Education—especially science education—is not a one-size-fits-all kind of vocation. Introducing inquiring minds to all aspects of science is rewarding, and even more so, when you can see the light in your students’ eyes as they make the connection with today’s topics and contemporary culture. Because when students are aware; when they are interacting; when things finally “click” and they begin to understand the interdependencies of our planet’s systems… Well, it just doesn’t get any better than that.
That’s why we created Science Scene, a science education blog and Facebook community, where you can go to find new ideas, share in conversation, and even pick up some free resources along the way.
Listening and learning are a teacher’s first classroom responsibility.
In addition to articles and interviews, Science Scene brings you information about new products and applications for your classroom to make the most of modern technology—from lab basics to the newest smart phone apps and gadgets.
Science Scene also features information and links to science education programs like the GLOBE Program and Envirothon, as well as, grant opportunities that help turn classroom dreams into reality.
In addition to the Science Scene blog is our Facebook community – a place to share your own experiences with fellow educators and colleagues. We also share photos and videos from our excursions, and have some amazing contests from time to time where you can win products for your classroom! Join us on Facebook today, and become a part of our community of science education friends.
Through Science Scene, we are able to visit a variety of places and observe, firsthand, the effects of science and discovery through hands-on activities and problem-solving thinking. Whether it is on the beach as students discover new specimens, or in the swamp holding an alligator for the first time, you can bet that we‘re having the time of our lives sharing science with you!